Star users
Greater Brisbane
Ipswich City
Byrne Street at Bremer TAFE
Stop Byrne Street at Bremer TAFE
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 502: Bundamba => Blackstone => Riverlink Shopping Centre
- Bus 503: Riverlink Shopping Centre => Eastern Heights => Bundamba
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 502: Bundamba => Blackstone => Riverlink Shopping Centre
- Bus 502: Riverlink Shopping Centre => Blackstone => Bundamba
- Bus 503: Bundamba => Eastern Heights => Riverlink Shopping Centre
- Bus 503: Riverlink Shopping Centre => Eastern Heights => Bundamba
Other stops near
Brisbane Rd at McCormack Street
River Road near Mary Street
River Road near Mary Street
Brisbane Rd at Bundamba TAFE
Byrne Street at Bremer TAFE