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Ipswich City
Bus 506: Riverlink Shopping Centre => Leichhardt/One Mile
Bus 506: Riverlink Shopping Centre => Leichhardt/One Mile
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Aspinall Street near Beckler Street
Avon Street near Leonard Street
Limestone Street at Waghorn Street
Flinders Drive near Wills Street
Limestone Street at Foote Lane
Casey St near Coleman St
Ernest St near Crescent St
Wentworth Street near Beckler Street
Gilmore Street near Watsonia Drive
Bell Street Interchange, Stop C
Leichhardt and One Mile Community Centre
Avon Street near Gilmore Street
Bass Street near Light Street
Brisbane Street at Clay Street
Flinders Drive near Torres Street
Casey Street near Coleman Street
Limestone Street at Nicholas Street
Light Street near Bass Street
Brisbane Street at Keogh Street
Samford Road near Gilmore Street
Riverlink stop A
Toongarra Road near May Street