Route Bus 372: Brisbane City => Ashgrove
Points of interest near the route
- Enoggera Road at Newmarket stop 20
- Girraween Gr near Oleander Dr stop 39A
- Victoria Street near Tweed Street stop 34
- Lloyd Street near Girton Street stop 29
- Banks Street near Lexington Street, stop 26
- Leichhardt Street at Allenby Street stop 2
- Kelvin Grove Road at Guildford Street stop 15
- Kelvin Grove Road at Victoria Street stop 12
- Wickham Terrace near Bradley Street stop 3
- Banks Street at Gifford Street, stop 27
- Musgrave Road at Normanby Fiveways, stop 4
- Enoggera Road at Terang Street stop 21
- Lloyd Street at Lloyd - North stop 30
- Enoggera Road at Ashgrove Avenue stop 20a
- Enoggera Road at St Ambroses, stop 18
- Kelvin Grove Road at Moy Street stop 14
- Kelvin Grove Road at Windsor Road stop 16
- Waterworks Rd at Ashgrove, stop 17
- Banks Street at Banks View stop 24
- Elizabeth Street Stop 87 near Edward St
- Bowral Street at Goskar Avenue stop 29
- Waterworks Rd at Elimatta Drive, stop 19
- Glenlyon Drive near Cypress Drive stop 39c
- Arinya Road near Moola Road stop 38
- Waterworks Rd at Hibiscus Avenue, stop 20
- Upper Edward Street Stop 135 near Wickham Tce
- Canberra Drive near Tweed Street, stop 35
- Kelvin Grove Road near Prospect Terrace stop 13
- Frasers Road near Nimmo Road stop 37
- Waterworks Rd at Myagh Road, stop 23/22
- Banks Street at Banks Bend, stop 25
- College Road near Countess Street stop 3b
- Waterworks Rd at Girraween Grove, stop 21
- Bowral Street near Banks Street stop 28
- Leichhardt Street at Fortescue Street stop 1
- Arinya Road near Mirrabooka Road stop 39
- Wardell Street at Enoggera South stop 31
- Wardell Street near Yates Avenue stop 32
- Banks Street at Banks Reserve stop 25a
- Creek Street stop 149 near Adelaide St
- Ashgrove Avenue at Ashgrove Marketplace
- Grevillea Road near Glenlyon Drive stop 39B
- Wickham Terrace near Dark Street stop 3a
- Canberra Drive near Frasers Road stop 36
- Enoggera Road at Thurlow Street, stop 17
- Cole Street at Cole - Lloyd, stop 28
- Banks Street at Banks - Laurence stop 23
- Banks Road at Banks - School, stop 22