停止 貝沙灣南灣 Bel-Air on the Peak
- 華富(北) Wah Fu (North)
- 114.1357354, 22.253466300000003
- 域多利道分區電力站 Victoria Road Zone Sub-station
- 培英中學 Pui Ying Secondary School
- 114.1367587, 22.253928700000003
- 114.1344839, 22.256353400000002
- 114.1337278, 22.2547491
- 貝沙灣 Residence Bel-Air
- 貝沙灣 Residence Bel-Air
- 貝沙灣南灣 Bel-Air on the Peak
- 華翠街 Wah Chui Street
- 華富邨華生樓 Wah Sang House Wah Fu Estate
- 域多利道分區電力站 Victoria Road Zone Sub-station
- 華翠街 Wah Chui Street
- 培英中學 Pui Ying Secondary School
- 114.1365009, 22.254042000000002
- 114.1359604, 22.2528715
- 華富(北) Wah Fu (North)
- 華富邨華生樓 Wah Sang House Wah Fu Estate
- 華翠街 Wah Chui Street
- 114.1325345, 22.2596469
- 數碼港三座 Cyberport 3
- 114.13273880000001, 22.2567227
- 114.1358701, 22.255900200000003
- 114.1330137, 22.2581437
- 華富(北) Wah Fu (North)
- 域多利道休憩處 Victoria Road Sitting-out Area
- 余振強紀念第二中學 Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2
- 康富遊樂場 Hong Fu Playground