灣仔區 Wan Chai District
新界 New Territories
香港島 Hong Kong Island
香港 Hong Kong
摩理臣山道 Morrison Hill Road
停止 摩理臣山道 Morrison Hill Road
- 跑馬地 → 堅尼地城 Happy Valley → Kennedy Town
- 跑馬地 → 筲箕灣 Happy Valley → Shau Kei Wan
- Bus 10 (North Point Ferry Pier - Kennedy Town)
- Bus 1 (Felix Villas - Happy Valley (Upper))
- Bus 1 (Felix Villas - Happy Valley (Upper)) (Sunday)
- Bus 37B (Chi Fu Fa Yuen ↺ Admiralty)
- Bus 37X (Chi Fu Fa Yuen ↺ Admiralty)
- Bus 38 (North Point Ferry Pier - Chi Fu Fa Yuen)
- Bus 601 (Po Tat Estate - Admiralty (East))
- Bus 680 (Ma On Shan (Lee On Estate) - Admiralty (East))
- Bus 70 (Central (Exchange Square) - Wah Kwai Estate)
- Bus 70 (Wah Kwai Estate - Central (Exchange Square))
- Bus 72 (Causeway Bay (Moreton Terrace) - Wah Kwai Estate)
- Bus 77 (Shau Kei Wan → Tin Wan)
- Bus 77 (Tin Wan → Shau Kei Wan)
- Bus 99 (Shau Kei Wan → South Horizons)
- Bus 99 (South Horizons → Shau Kei Wan)
- Cross-harbour Bus 101 (Kennedy Town → Kwun Tong (Yue Man Square))
- Cross-harbour Bus 101 (Kwun Tong (Yue Man Square) → Kennedy Town)
- Cross-harbour Bus 112 (So Uk → North Point (Pak Fuk Road))
- Cross-harbour Bus 170 (Sha Tin Railway Station → Wah Fu (Central))
- Cross-harbour Bus 170 (Wah Fu (Central) → Sha Tin Station)
- Cross-harbour Bus 182 (Central (Macau Ferry) → Yu Chui Court)
- 城巴19線 Citybus 19 (跑馬地(上) Happy Valley (Upper) → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴1號線 CTB 1 (跑馬地(上) Happy Valley (Upper) → 摩星嶺 Felix Villas)
- 城巴260線 Citybus 260 (中環 Central → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴260線 Citybus 260 (赤柱 Stanley → 中環 Central)
- 城巴260線 Citybus 260 (赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison → 中環 Central)
- 城巴37A線 Citybus 37A (置富花園 Chi Fu Fa Yuen ↺ 中環 Central)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier → 置富 Chi Fu)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (置富 Chi Fu → 北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (置富 Chi Fu → 北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier (不經華富 omit Wah Fu))
- 城巴629線 Citybus 629 (中環(天星碼頭) Central (Star Ferry) → 水上樂園 Water World)
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley (不經馬場 omit Racecourse))
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (赤柱 Stanley → 北角 North Point)
- 城巴789線 Citybus 789 (金鐘(樂禮街) Admiralty (Rodney Street) → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴8S線 Citybus 8S (跑馬地馬場 Happy Valley Racecourse → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴機場快線A17(機場→深灣) Cityflyer A17 (Airport → Sham Wan)
- 港島專綫小巴40X線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40X (赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison → 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay)
- 港島專綫小巴40X線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40X (銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay → 赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison)
- 港島專綫小巴40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40 (赤柱村 Stanley Village → 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay)
- 港島專綫小巴40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40 (銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay → 赤柱村 Stanley Village)
- 港島專綫小巴N40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus N40 (赤柱村 Stanley Village → 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay)
- 港島專綫小巴N40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus N40 (銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay → 赤柱村 Stanley Village)
- 跑馬地 → 堅尼地城 Happy Valley → Kennedy Town
- 跑馬地 → 筲箕灣 Happy Valley → Shau Kei Wan
- 過海隧巴116線(慈雲山(中)→鰂魚涌) Cross-harbour Bus 116 (Tsz Wan Shan (Central) → Quarry Bay)
- 過海隧巴679線 Cross-harbour Bus 679 (皇后山邨 Queen's Hill Estate → 香港站 Hong Kong Station)
- 過海隧巴680B線 Cross-harbour Bus 680B (富安花園 Chevalier Garden → 金鐘站 Admiralty Station)
The Coffee Academics
wing kee restaurant
Hoi Kee Roastie Specialist
坡椰坡囉咪 Singapore Island
Mother of Pizzas
Wai Kee
Med-Link Medical Centre
新嘉美茶餐廳 SKM Restaurant
山旮旯 San Ka La
麥當勞 McDonald's
芽籠 Geylang
鵝頸熟食中心 Bowrington Road Cooked Food Centre
太平洋咖啡 Pacific Coffee
笑林寺 Cloud nine specialty coffee
中國銀行(香港) Bank of China (Hong Kong)
新星中西大藥房 New Star Pharmacy
中心點 Meet Point
華成大藥房 Wah Shing Dispensary
滙豐銀行 HSBC
新森林 New Forest Restaurant
唐記包點 Tong Kee Bao Dim
劉二妹麵家 Amazing May's Noodle
The Derby
譚仔三哥 TamJai SamGor
摩理臣山郵政局 Morrison Hill Post Office
禮頓山社區會堂 Leighton Hill Community Hall
Brunch Club and Supper
School food
時代廣場 Times Square
鄧肇堅學童牙科診所 Tang Shiu Kin School Dental Clinic
民生藥房 Man Sang Dispensary
森川弁当 Morikawa Bento
八摩山 Mori San
馬師道 Marsh Road
杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
堅拿道東 Canal Road East
杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
堅拿道東 Canal Road East
114.1831817, 22.278792300000003
114.1812302, 22.278555700000002
堅拿道東 Canal Road East
114.17845200000001, 22.2748464
114.18060550000001, 22.275509200000002
香港墳場 Hong Kong Cemetery
皇后大道東 Queen's Road East
天樂里 Tin Lok Lane
杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
114.1768672, 22.275104000000002
勿地臣街 Matheson Street
禮頓道 Leighton Road
114.17748270000001, 22.2780631
114.18179950000001, 22.2795159
堅拿道東 Canal Road East
廣生行大廈 Kwong Sang Hong Building
富明街 Foo Ming Street
禮頓道 Leighton Road
樂活道 Broadwood Road
堅拿道西 Canal Road West
杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
堅拿道西 Canal Road West
杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
錫克廟 Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple
聖若瑟小學 St. Joseph's Primary School
114.18321900000001, 22.2787042
114.1822149, 22.2770008
紀利華木球會 Craigengower Cricket Club
杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
北海中心 CNT Tower
利景酒店 The Charterhouse
立德里 Lap Tak Lane
馬師道 Marsh Road
堅拿道巴士專用線 Canal Road bus only road
跑馬地馬場 Happy Valley Racecourse