Star users
United Kingdom
Alba / Scotland
City of Edinburgh
Kings Buildings 2
How to get to
Kings Buildings 2
write the first review
Entrance to Sanderson Building
See in interactive map
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
- Bus 38: Royal Infirmary => West Granton
- Bus 38: West Granton => Royal Infirmary
- Lothian Buses 12: Gyle Centre => Seafield
- Lothian Buses 12: Seafield => Gyle Centre
- Lothian Buses 24: Royal Infirmary => West Granton
- Lothian Buses 24: West Granton => Royal Infirmary
- Lothian Buses 42: Craigleith => King's Road
- Lothian Buses 42: King's Road => Craigleith
Nearby stops
Kings Buildings
Kings Buildings