Star users
City of Edinburgh
Alba / Scotland
United Kingdom
Edinburgh West Retail Park
Stop Edinburgh West Retail Park
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus N35: Ocean Terminal => Heriot-Watt Uni
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus N35: Ocean Terminal => Heriot-Watt Uni
- Lothian Buses 35: Ocean Terminal to Riccarton
- Lothian Buses 35: Riccarton to Ocean Terminal
- Skylink 300 (Cameron Toll to Edinburgh Airport)
- Skylink 300 (Edinburgh Airport to Cameron Toll)
Points of interest nearby
M&S Cafe
Secure Cyce Store 3
Secure Cyce Store 2
thistle vets
Secure Cyce Store 1
Fun Pot Chinese
7th Harmonic Studios
Bert's Coffee Bar
Other stops near
Chesser Cottages
Chesser Avenue
Chesser Grove
Chesser Avenue
Corn Exchange