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Dundee City
Alba / Scotland
United Kingdom
Davidson Street (Grove Academy)
Stop Davidson Street (Grove Academy)
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 10 - Broughty Ferry to Ninewells Hospital
- 5a - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
- 5 - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 10 - Broughty Ferry to Ninewells Hospital
- 10 - Ninewells Hospital to Broughty Ferry
- 5a - Barnhill to Ninewells Hospital
- 5a - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
- 5 - Barnhill to Ninewells Hospital
- 5 - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
Points of interest nearby
Pizza Hut
The Occidental
Other stops near
Strathern Road at Claypotts Road
Claypotts Road opp. Grove Academy
Claypotts Road
Claypotts Road
Claypotts Road opp. Ferndale Drive