Star users
Brighton and Hove
United Kingdom
Hollingdean Street
Stop Hollingdean Street
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 50 Churchill Square → Hollingdean
- 50 Hollingdean → Brighton Station
- 50 Hollingdean → Churchill Square
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 50 Churchill Square → Hollingdean
- 50 Hollingdean → Brighton Station
- 50 Hollingdean → Churchill Square
Points of interest nearby
The Little Fish & Chip Shop
The Hollingbury
Brighton and Hove
Other stops near
Bottom of Davey Drive
Waverley Crescent
The Dip
Quarry Bank Road
Hollingbury Crescent
Bottom of Roedale Road
Rugby Road East
Semley Road
Rugby Road East
Semley Road