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Main Street
Stop Main Street
Leaflet | © Cualbondi & OpenStreetMap contributors
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 14 Morecambe => QES Kirkby Lonsdale
- Bus 582 (Craven Connection) Lancaster => Kirkby Londsdale Booths
- Bus 81A Lancaster => Kirkby Lonsdale
- Bus 81G Lancaster => Kirkby Londsdale QES
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 14 Morecambe => QES Kirkby Lonsdale
- Bus 14 QES Kirkby Lonsdale => Morecambe
- Bus 582 (Craven Connection) Kirkby Londsdale Booths => Lancaster
- Bus 582 (Craven Connection) Lancaster => Kirkby Londsdale Booths
- Bus 81A Kirkby Lonsdale => Lancaster
- Bus 81A Lancaster => Kirkby Lonsdale
- Bus 81G Kirkby Londsdale QES => Lancaster
- Bus 81G Lancaster => Kirkby Londsdale QES
Points of interest nearby
Whittington Post Office
Other stops near
Dragons Head
Main Street
Main Street
Loyne Park
Loyne Park
Dragons Head
Village Hall
Village Hall
Main Street
Loyne Park
Loyne Park