Star users
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Rotherham Central
Stop Rotherham Central
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Supertram Tram-Train: Rotherham Parkgate → Cathedral
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Northern Rail: Hull => Sheffield
- Northern Rail: Sheffield => Hull
- Supertram Tram-Train: Cathedral → Rotherham Parkgate
- Supertram Tram-Train: Rotherham Parkgate → Cathedral
- Train: Lincoln Central => Scunthorpe
- Train: Scunthorpe => Lincoln Central
Points of interest nearby
Rudi's Blues Cafe
Fitzwilliam And Hughes
Cafe @ Riverside
Bridge Inn
Other stops near
Rotherham Central
Rotherham Central
Main Street/The Statutes
Main Street/New York Way
Main Street/New York Way
Corporation Street/Upper Millgate
College Road/Masborough Street
Main Street/The Statutes
Corporation Street/Market Street
Corporation Street/Upper Millgate
College Road/Bridge Street
College Road/Bridge Street
Rotherham Central
Corporation Street/Market Street
College Road/Masborough Street