Star users
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Broom Lane/East Bawtry Road
Stop Broom Lane/East Bawtry Road
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 26 Rotherham => Whiston
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 110 Maltby => Rotherham
- Bus 26 Rotherham => Whiston
- Bus 26 Whiston => Rotherham
Points of interest nearby
The Hind
Other stops near
East Bawtry Road/Bent Lathes Avenue
East Bawtry Road/Bent Lathes Avenue
East Bawtry Road/Worrygoose Lane
East Bawtry Road/Worrygoose Lane
East Bawtry Road/Hind Road
East Bawtry Road/Hind Road
Broom Lane/Stag Lane
Broom Lane/Stag Lane
Broom Lane/East Bawtry Road
Worry Goose Lane/Reresby Drive
Worry Goose Lane/Reresby Drive
Worry Goose Lane/Reresby Drive
Worry Goose Lane/Reresby Drive
Broom Lane/East Bawtry Road
Broom Lane/East Bawtry Road
Broom Lane/Stag Lane
Broom Lane/Stag Lane