Route Bus 1: Middlesbrough => High Tunstall
Places that travel to
Points of interest near the route
- -1.2651868000000002, 54.59045570000001
- -1.2163067, 54.6160051
- -1.2148661, 54.5965039
- -1.2733925000000001, 54.57781850000001
- -1.2453017000000002, 54.5747817
- -1.2169729, 54.6026582
- -1.2415, 54.5931585
- -1.2592435000000002, 54.5921116
- Clarence Street
- Saltholme Close
- Middlesbrough Bus Station
- -1.2536512000000002, 54.571749200000006
- War Memorial
- -1.2683429000000002, 54.586964200000004
- -1.2265275, 54.587284700000005
- Haverton Hill Hotel
- -1.2514029, 54.595857200000005
- -1.2374371000000002, 54.59110690000001
- Middlesbrough Bus Station
- -1.246385, 54.596302400000006
- -1.2145195, 54.6184689
- -1.1946425, 54.655823000000005
- HSB Vehicle Services
- -1.2050972, 54.632825100000005
- Billingham Reach Industrial Estate
- -1.2700116000000001, 54.582351
- -1.2455443000000002, 54.689753
- -1.2337916, 54.5892728
- -1.2456581, 54.68979
- -1.2113492000000001, 54.6252069
- Billingham Site East Gate
- Cassel Works - Haverton Hill Road
- -1.228442, 54.587498000000004
- Clarences Kickwall
- -1.2439172, 54.596184900000004