Star users
Kasba Police Station
Stop Kasba Police Station
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Cheranelloor → Edakochi
- Cheranelloor → High Court
- Cheranelloor → Kadavanthra
- Cheranelloor → Mundamveli
- Cheranelloor → Perumpadappu
- Cheranelloor → Thevara Ferry
- Cheranellore → Chellanam
- Cheranellore → Fort Kochi
- Cheranellore → Kumbalangi
- Cheranellore → Mattancherry
- Cheranellore → Panangad
- Cheranellore → Thevara
- Chittoor → Chellanam
- Chittoor Ferry → Ernakulam South
- Chittoor Ferry → Fort Kochi
- Chittoor Ferry → Kumbalam
- Chittoor Ferry → Mattancherry
- Chittoor Ferry → Perumpadappu
- Chittoor Ferry → Thevara
- Chittoor → Kochu Kadavanthara
- Chittoor Temple → Edakochi
- Chittoor Temple → Perumpadappu
- Chittoor → Thevara Ferry
- Chittortemple → Kumbalangi
- Chittortemple → Panangad
- Kothad Church → Kundannoor
- Kothad ferry → Chellanam
- Kothad Ferry → Thevara
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Chellanam → Cheranellore
- Chellanam → Chittoor
- Chellanam → Kothad ferry
- Cheranelloor → Edakochi
- Cheranelloor → High Court
- Cheranelloor → Kadavanthra
- Cheranelloor → Mundamveli
- Cheranelloor → Perumpadappu
- Cheranelloor → Thevara Ferry
- Cheranellore → Chellanam
- Cheranellore → Fort Kochi
- Cheranellore → Kumbalangi
- Cheranellore → Mattancherry
- Cheranellore → Panangad
- Cheranellore → Thevara
- Chittoor → Chellanam
- Chittoor Ferry → Ernakulam South
- Chittoor Ferry → Fort Kochi
- Chittoor Ferry → Kumbalam
- Chittoor Ferry → Mattancherry
- Chittoor Ferry → Perumpadappu
- Chittoor Ferry → Thevara
- Chittoor → Kochu Kadavanthara
- Chittoor Temple → Edakochi
- Chittoor Temple → Ernakulam South
- Chittoor Temple → Fort Kochi
- Chittoor Temple → Perumpadappu
- Chittoor Temple → Thevara
- Chittoor → Thevara Ferry
- Chittortemple → Kumbalangi
- Chittortemple → Mattancherry
- Chittortemple → Panangad
- Chottanikara → Chittoor Temple
- Chottanikkara → Chittoor Temple
- Chottanikkara → Kothad Ferry
- Edakochi → Cheranelloor
- Edakochi → Chittoor Temple
- Ernakulam South → Chittoor Ferry
- Ernakulam South → Chittoor Temple
- Eroor → Chittoor
- Eroor → Kothad Ferry
- Fort Kochi → Cheranellore
- Fort Kochi → Chittoor Ferry
- Fort Kochi → Chittoor Temple
- High Court → Cheranelloor
- Irumpanam → Chittoor Temple
- Kadavanthra → Cheranelloor
- Kakkanad → Chittoor
- Kochu Kadavanthara → Chittoor
- Kothad Church → Kundannoor
- Kothad ferry → Chellanam
- Kothad Ferry → Thevara
- Kumbalam → Chittoor Ferry
- Kumbalangi → Cheranellore
- Kumbalangi → Chittoor Temple
- Kundannoor → Kothad Church
- Mattancherry → Cheranellore
- Mattancherry → Chittoor Ferry
- Mattancherry → Chittortemple
- Mundamveli → Cheranelloor
- Panangad → Cheranellore
- Panangad → Chittortemple
- Perumpadappu → Cheranelloor
- Perumpadappu → Chittoor Ferry
- Perumpadappu → Chittoor Temple
- Puthiakavu → Cheranelloor
- Thevara → Cheranellore
- Thevara → Chittoor Ferry
- Thevara → Chittoor Temple
- Thevara Ferry → Cheranelloor
- Thevara Ferry → Chittoor
- Thevara → Kothad Ferry
- Thrippoonithura → Chittoor Ferry
Points of interest nearby
French Toast Cafe
State Bank of India
South Indian Bank
S M Dental Solutions
King's Empire
House of Providence Church
Police Station, ET North Cusba
Ernakulam North Post Office
Westend Eye Hospitals
Karur Vysya Bank
Lakshmi Chappathi Centre
Recoup Physiotherapy Clinic
Ashir Bhavan
Professional Couriers
Other stops near
Kasba Police Station
North Railway Station
Cemetery Mukk
Cemetery Mukk
North Railway Station