Star users
New Zealand / Aotearoa
Porirua City
Porirua City
See in interactive map
Routes of public transport
Bus 210: Porirua => Titahi Bay
Bus 210: Titahi Bay => Porirua
Bus 220: Ascot Park => Porirua
Bus 220: Ascot Park => Porirua
Bus 220: Ascot Park => Porirua => Titahi Bay
Bus 220: Porirua => Ascot Park
Bus 220: Porirua => Ascot Park
Bus 220: Titahi Bay => Porirua => Ascot Park
Bus 220: Titahi Bay => Porirua => Ascot Park
Bus 220: Titahi Bay => Porirua => Ascot Park
Bus 226: Porirua => Elsdon => Porirua
Bus 226: Porirua => Elsdon => Sievers Grove
Bus 226: Sievers Grove => Elsdon => Porirua
Bus 226: Sievers Grove => Elsdon => Sievers Grove
Bus 230: Porirua => Aotea => Whitby (The Crowsnest)
Bus 230: Whitby (The Crowsnest) => Aotea => Porirua
Bus 300: Titahi Bay => Porirua => Whenua Tapu Cemetery
Bus 300: Whenua Tapu Cemetery => Porirua => Titahi Bay
Metlink Bus route 236 (1) --> Porirua Station
Metlink Bus route 236 (2) --> Paremata Station --> Whitby - Navigation Drive
Metlink Bus route 236 (3) --> Whitby - Navigation Drive
Whitby (Navigation Drive) - Paremata
Champion Street at Gloucester Street (near 179)
Norrie Street opposite Te Rauparaha Park
Warspite Avenue at Penguin Grove (near 335)
Porirua Station - Stop A
Conclusion Street (near 47)
Bedford Street (near 187)
Dimock Street (near 99)
Porirua Station - Stop C
Pikarere Street (near 49)
Ayton Drive (opposite 31)
Richard Street (near 2)
Prosser Street (opposite 22)
Joseph Banks Drive (near 34)
Champion Street at Hereford Street (near 138)
Takapuwahia Drive at Rangituhi Crescent (near 22)
Whitireia Polytechnic - Titahi Bay Road (opposite)
Main Road at Dimock Street
Gloaming Hill Road (near 78)
Te Pene Avenue at Te Puke Street (near 75)
Leeward Drive (near 46)
Sievers Grove (near 174)
Champion Street (opposite 38)
Kotuku Street (near 50)
Main Road (near 5)
Mungavin Avenue at Gear Terrace (near 40)
Champion Street at Mepham Place
Aotea Drive opposite Kaimai Place
Bishop Viard College (school grounds)
Te Pene Avenue at Ian Graves Close
Mungavin Avenue (near 69)
Points of interest
Whitby Chinese Takeaway
Reading Cinemas
Life Pharmacy
The Salvation Army (Family Store)
Porirua Library
Columbus Coffee
Bargain Chemist
Papakowhai Kindergarten
The Co-Op
Burger King
Lakeside Veterinary Centre
Whitby Seafoods
Whitby Taj
Public Toilets
Bradey Room
Whitby Dental Centre
Porirua Pharmacy
Spice Traders
Whitby Post & Bookshop
Cannons Creek Pharmacy