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Papanui-Innes Community
Christchurch City
New Zealand / Aotearoa
Shirley Rd near Quinns Rd
Stop Shirley Rd near Quinns Rd
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 135 The Palms/ New Brighton
- Orbiter Clockwise
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 100 The Palms/Wilgrim
- 100 Wigram/The Palms
- 135 New Brighton/The Palms
- 135 The Palms/ New Brighton
- 44 Shirley to Westmorland
- 44 Westmorland to Shirley
- 7 Halswell to Queenspark
- 7 Queenspark to Halswell
- Orbiter Clockwise
Other stops near
The Palms (Marshland Rd- vet side)
Shirley Rd near Stapletons Rd
North Parade