Star users
United States
Santa Cruz County
See in interactive map
Routes of public transport
SCMTD 69A: Santa Cruz => Watsonville
SCMTD 69A: Watsonville => Santa Cruz
SCMTD 69W: Santa Cruz => Watsonville
SCMTD 69W: Watsonville => Santa Cruz
SCMTD 71: Santa Cruz => Clifford Avenue => Watsonville
SCMTD 71: Santa Cruz => Crestview Center => Watsonville
SCMTD 71: Watsonville => Clifford Avenue => Santa Cruz
SCMTD 71: Watsonville => Crestview Center => Santa Cruz
SCMTD 72: Pinto Lake Park => Watsonville
SCMTD 72: Watsonville => Pinto Lake Park
SCMTD 72W: Corralitos => Watsonville
SCMTD 72W: Watsonville => Corralitos
SCMTD 75: Monte Vista School => Watsonville
SCMTD 75: Watsonville => Monte Vista School
SCMTD 79: College & Lakeview => Watsonville
SCMTD 79: Watsonville => College & Lakeview
SCMTD 91X: Santa Cruz => Watsonville
SCMTD 91X: Watsonville => Santa Cruz
Freedom Boulevard & Crestview Drive
Clifford Avenue & Lassen Way
South Green Valley Road & Maranatha Drive
Freedom Boulevard & Davis Avenue
South Green Valley Road & Oakridge Street
Holly Drive & Airport Road
Freedom Boulevard & Blanca Lane
East Beach Street & Marchant Street
Main Street & Ohlone Parkway
Shady Oaks Drive & Jeanette Way
Airport Boulevard & Holm Road
Rodriguez Street & Ford Street
East Lake Avenue & Wagner Avenue
Lincoln Street & California Street
East Lake Avenue & Nugent Avenue
Crestview Drive & Freedom Boulevard
Rodriguez Street & Ford Street
Lincoln Street & East 5th Street
Main Street & Rodriguez Street
Watsonville Transit Center Lane 1
Main Street & Pennsylvania Drive
Airport Boulevard & Ross Avenue
East Lake Avenue & Sudden Street
East Beach Street & Marchant Street
Shady Oaks Drive & Anna Street
Airport Boulevard & Airport Road
Sunnyhills Drive & Shady Oaks Drive
Martinelli Street & Brewington Avenue
Loma Prieta Avenue & Cherry Blossom Drive
East Lake Avenue & Bridge Street
Points of interest
Watsonville Water Treatment Plant
Tesla Supercharger
CVS Pharmacy
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Watsonville Transit Center
Watsonville Health Center
Grace Temple
Calvary Christian Center
Full Gospel Mission Church
Church of Christ
Little Caesars
Jack in the Box
Watsonville Public Library
Seventh Day Adventist Church
All Saints Episcopal Church
First Baptist Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Bethel Tabernacle
Wargin Wines
Taqueria Mi Tierra
Iglesia Santa Pentecostes Templo
United Pentecostal Church
Presbyterian Hispanic New Church in America
Watsonville Auditorium
Church of God