Routes of public transport
- Walton / Perry (EB)
- -83.287734, 42.707089200000006
- Squirrel / Cross Creek (NB)
- -83.2343422, 42.649532300000004
- -83.2459599, 42.677829300000006
- -83.24571440000001, 42.6581308
- Squirrel / Westbury Village (SB)
- -83.2458163, 42.6672433
- Featherstone / Doris (WB)
- Featherstone / Opdyke (EB)
- Auburn / College NS (WB)
- -83.22031770000001, 42.6386075
- -83.2112113, 42.633973600000004
- -83.3065236, 42.69652
- -83.21827350000001, 42.672435300000004
- -83.2198901, 42.6514868
- Squirrel / Seyburn (SB)
- Opdyke / Walton (SB)
- -83.24577450000001, 42.6613972
- -83.2457912, 42.665377400000004
- Baldwin / Gallogly (SB)
- -83.24593200000001, 42.6758377
- -83.2458546, 42.671937
- -83.24577910000001, 42.6627621
- Great Lakes Crossing Transportation Center
- -83.2459242, 42.6753013
- -83.3050329, 42.6894695
- Opdyke / South (NB)
- -83.2458299, 42.668801300000005
- -83.30581930000001, 42.691691000000006
Points of interest