Star users
United States
Multnomah County
Multnomah County
See in interactive map
Routes of public transport
Amtrak Cascades: Eugene => Seattle
Amtrak Cascades: Portland => Eugene
Amtrak Cascades: Portland => Seattle
Amtrak Cascades: Portland => Vancouver
Bus 105: Portland => Salmon Creek Park & Ride (evening)
Bus 105: Portland => Salmon Creek Park & Ride (morning)
Bus 105: Salmon Creek Park & Ride => Portland (evening)
Bus 105: Salmon Creek Park & Ride => Portland (morning)
Bus 10: Lents => Portland
Bus 10: Portland => Lents
Bus 11: Saint Johns => Vancouver Way & Middlefield
Bus 11: Vancouver Way & Middlefield => Saint Johns
Bus 12: Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center => Tigard Transit Center
Bus 12: Tigard Transit Center => Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center
Bus 134: Portland => Salmon Creek Park & Ride
Bus 134: Salmon Creek Park & Ride => Portland
Bus 14: Lents => Portland
Bus 14: Portland => Lents
Bus 157: 99th Street Transit Center => Portland
Bus 157: Portland => 99th Street Transit Center
Bus 15: Gateway Transit Center => Montgomery Park
Bus 15: Gateway Transit Center => Thurman Street
Bus 15: Gateway Transit Center => Yeon & 44th
Bus 15: Montgomery Park => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 15: Thurman Street => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 15: Yeon & 44th => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 164: Fisher's Landing Transit Center => Portland (evening)
Bus 164: Fisher's Landing Transit Center => Portland (morning)
Bus 164: Portland => Fisher's Landing Transit Center (evening)
Bus 164: Portland => Fisher's Landing Transit Center (morning)
Bus 16: Portland => Sauvie Island
Bus 16: Sauvie Island => Portland
Bus 17: Holgate & 134th => Saratoga & 27th
Bus 17: Saratoga & 27th => Holgate & 134th
Bus 18: Hillside => Providence Park
Bus 18: Providence Park => Hillside
Bus 190: Marquam Hill => Vancouver
Bus 190: Vancouver => Marquam Hill
Bus 199: 99th Street Transit Center => Portland
Bus 199: 99th Street Transit Center => Portland (morning)
Bus 199: Portland => 99th Street Transit Center
Bus 199: Portland => 99th Street Transit Center (evening)
Bus 19: Gateway Transit Center => Mount Scott & 112th via Southeast 28th Avenue
Bus 19: Gateway Transit Center => Mount Scott & 112th via Southeast 32nd Avenue
Bus 19: Mount Scott & 112th => Gateway Transit Center via Southeast 28th Avenue
Bus 19: Mount Scott & 112th => Gateway Transit Center via Southeast 32nd Avenue
Bus 1: Portland => Southwest Portland
Bus 1: Southwest Portland => Portland
Bus 20: Beaverton Transit Center => Gresham Transit Center
Bus 20: Gresham Transit Center => Beaverton Transit Center
Bus 21: Gresham Transit Center => Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center
Bus 21: Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center => Gresham Transit Center
Bus 22: Gateway Transit Center => Parkrose
Bus 22: Parkrose => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 23: Gateway Transit Center => Sandy & 148th
Bus 23: Sandy & 148th => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 24: Gateway Transit Center => Providence Park
Bus 24: Providence Park => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 25: Gateway Transit Center => Rockwood
Bus 25: Rockwood => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 291: Portland => Milwaukie
Bus 2: Gresham Transit Center => Portland
Bus 2: Portland => Gresham Transit Center
Bus 2X: Barbur Boulevard Transit Center => Wilsonville
Bus 2X: Barbur Boulevard Transit Center => Wilsonville via Mentor Graphics
Bus 2X: Wilsonville => Barbur Boulevard Transit Center
Bus 2X: Wilsonville => Barbur Boulevard Transit Center via Mentor Graphics
Bus 30: Estacada => Portland
Bus 30: Portland => Estacada
Bus 34: Clackamas Town Center => Oregon City Transit Center
Bus 34: Oregon City Transit Center => Clackamas Town Center
Bus 35: Oregon City Transit Center => University of Portland
Bus 35: University of Portland => Oregon City Transit Center
Bus 36: Portland => Tualatin
Bus 36: Tualatin => Portland
Bus 38: Portland => Tualatin
Bus 38: Tualatin => Portland
Bus 39: Hillsdale => Lewis & Clark College
Bus 39: Lewis & Clark College => Hillsdale
Bus 43: Portland => Washington Square Transit Center
Bus 43: Washington Square Transit Center => Portland
Bus 44: Portland Community College Sylvania => Saint Johns
Bus 44: Saint Johns => Portland Community College Sylvania
Bus 45: Portland => Tigard Transit Center
Bus 45: Tigard Transit Center => Portland
Bus 4: Portland => Saint Johns
Bus 4: Saint Johns => Portland
Bus 51: Council Crest => Portland
Bus 51: Dosch & Hamilton => Portland
Bus 51: Portland => Council Crest
Bus 51: Portland => Dosch & Hamilton
Bus 54: Beaverton Transit Center => Portland
Bus 54: Portland => Beaverton Transit Center
Bus 55: Portland => Raleigh Hills
Bus 55: Raleigh Hills => Portland
Bus 56: Portland => Washington Square Transit Center
Bus 56: Washington Square Transit Center => Portland
Bus 58: Beaverton Transit Center => Portland
Bus 58: Portland => Beaverton Transit Center
Bus 5: Portland => Tillamook
Bus 5: Tillamook => Portland
Bus 60: Delta Park => Vancouver City Center
Bus 60: Delta Park => Vancouver City Center
Bus 60: Vancouver City Center => Delta Park
Bus 60: Vancouver City Center => Delta Park
Bus 61: Beaverton Transit Center => Marquam Hill
Bus 61: Marquam Hill => Beaverton Transit Center
Bus 63: Providence Park => Wahington Park
Bus 63: Washington Park => Providence Park
Bus 64: Marquam Hill => Tigard Transit Center
Bus 64: Tigard Transit Center => Marquam Hill
Bus 65: Burlingame => Marquam Hill
Bus 65: Fisher's Landing Transit Center => Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center
Bus 65: Marquam Hill => Burlingame
Bus 65: Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center => Fisher's Landing Transit Center
Bus 66: Hollywood Transit Center => Marquam Hill
Bus 66: Marquam Hill => Hollywood Transit Center
Bus 67: Fisher's Landing Transit Center => Portland Airport
Bus 67: Portland Airport => Fisher's Landing Transit Center
Bus 68: Marquam Hill => Portland
Bus 68: Portland => Marquam Hill
Bus 6: Jantzen Beach => Portland
Bus 6: Portland => Jantzen Beach
Bus 70: Columbia River Correctional Center => Milwaukie via Southeast 13th Avenue
Bus 70: Columbia River Correctional Center => Milwaukie via Southeast 17th Avenue
Bus 70: Milwaukie => Columbia River Correctional Center via Southeast 13th Avenue
Bus 70: Milwaukie => Columbia River Correctional Center via Southeast 17th Avenue
Bus 71: Clackamas Town Center => Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center
Bus 71: Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center => Clackamas Town Center
Bus 72: Clackamas Town Center => Swan Island
Bus 72: Swan Island => Clackamas Town Center
Bus 73: Foster & 94th => Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center
Bus 73: Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center => Foster & 94th
Bus 74: 158th & Airport Way => Powell & 182nd
Bus 74: Powell & 182nd => 158th & Airport Way
Bus 75: Milwaukie => Saint Johns
Bus 75: Saint Johns => Milwaukie
Bus 77: Montgomery Park => Troutdale
Bus 77: Troutdale => Montgomery Park
Bus 78: Beaverton Transit Center => Lake Oswego Transit Center
Bus 78: Lake Oswego Transit Center => Beaverton Transit Center
Bus 80: Gresham Transit Center => Troutdale
Bus 80: Troutdale => Gresham Transit Center
Bus 81: Gresham Transit Center => Troutdale Airport
Bus 81: Troutdale Airport => Gresham Transit Center
Bus 82: Gresham Village => Powell & 182nd
Bus 82: Powell & 182nd => Gresham Village
Bus 84: Gresham Transit Center => Gresham Transit Center (Evening Loop)
Bus 84: Gresham Transit Center => Gresham Transit Center (Morning Loop)
Bus 85: Rose Quarter Transit Center => Swan Island
Bus 85: Swan Island => Rose Quarter Transit Center
Bus 87: Gateway Transit Center => Powell & 182nd
Bus 87: Powell & 182nd => Gateway Transit Center
Bus 8: Dekum & Durham => Marquam Hill
Bus 8: Marquam Hill => Dekum & Durham
Bus 92: Murrayhill => Portland
Bus 92: Portland => Murrayhill
Bus 94: Portland => Sherwood
Bus 94: Sherwood => Portland
Bus 96: Portland => Tualatin
Bus 96: Tualatin => Portland
Bus 99: Clackamas Community College => Portland
Bus 99: Portland => Clackamas Community College
Bus 9: Gresham Transit Center => Portland
Bus 9: Portland => Gresham Transit Center
Flixbus 2110: Eugene => Seattle
Flixbus 2110: Seattle => Eugene
Flixbus 2120: Coeur d'Alene => Portland
Flixbus 2120: Portland => Coeur d'Alene
MAX Blue Line: Gresham => Hillsboro
MAX Blue Line: Hillsboro => Gresham
MAX Green Line: Clackamas Town Center => Portland
MAX Green Line: Portland => Clackamas Town Center
MAX Orange Line: Milwaukie => Portland
MAX Orange Line: Portland => Milwaukie
MAX Red Line: Beaverton Transit Center => Portland International Airport
MAX Red Line: Portland International Airport => Beaverton Transit Center
MAX Yellow Line: Expo Center => Portland
MAX Yellow Line: Portland => Expo Center
Streetcar A: Portland (Clockwise)
Streetcar B: Portland (Counter-clockwise)
Streetcar NS: Northwest 23rd & Marshall => South Waterfront
Streetcar NS: South Waterfront => Northwest 23rd & Marshall
Maywood Park
Wood Village
North Vancouver & Page
Southeast Cesar Chavez Boulevard & Clinton
Southwest Corbett & Pendleton
Northeast M L King & Fargo
Southeast 52nd & Ogden
North Denver & Watts
Southwest Fairview & Cascade
North Columbia Boulevard & Hendricks
Southwest Campus Drive & Terwilliger
North Macrum & Powers
West Powell & Northwest Birdsdale
Northwest 23rd & Westover
Northeast Prescott & 110th
Northeast Glisan & 45th
North Mississippi & Skidmore
East Columbia River Highway & Southeast Jackson Park
North Dolphin & Channel
2900 Block West Powell
Southeast Cesar Chavez Boulevard & Stark
Southwest 5th & Madison
North Mississippi & Mason
Northeast Prescott & 68th
East Powell & Northeast Liberty
Southeast 60th & Stark
Southeast Division & 162nd
Southeast Washington & 82nd
Northeast Fremont & 54th
10200 Block North Lombard
Southwest 18th & Morrison
Southwest 51st & Moss
Points of interest
4th Avenue Bike Garage
OP Wurst
Michal D. Drabanski
The Portland Loo
Banner Bank
Cafe Roma
Rainbow Room
Ben & Jerry's
Little Olive Tree Preschool
Transition Projects Resource Center
Care Essentials
Red Lobster
Boston Pizza
Wy'east Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Mi Burrito
Mashita Teriyaki
Rose VL Deli
The People's Pig
Market Street Salad Bar & Deli
Koi Gardens
Blondies Pizza
Western Union
Papa Murphy's