Star users
United States
Centre County
Benner Township
Benner Township
See in interactive map
Routes of public transport
Bus XB: Bellefonte -> Nittany Mall -> Campus and Downtown
Bus XB: Downtown -> Nittany Mall -> Bellefonte
Bus XG: Bellefonte -> Pleasant Gap -> Nittany Mall -> Campus and Downtown
Bus XG: Downtown -> Nittany Mall -> Pleasant Gap -> Bellefonte
2903 Benner Pike
West College Avenue at Drivers Exam Center
Benner Pike at Centre Peace
West College Avenue opposite Drivers Exam Center
West College Avenue at Peru Circle Outbound
2780 Benner Pike
550 West College Avenue
2932 Benner Pike
Opposite 2780 Benner Pike
Opposite 550 West College Avenue
Benner Pike at Rolling Ridge Road Outbound
Centre County Correctional Facility
West College Avenue at Peru Circle Inbound
Points of interest
Benner Township
Dunkin' Donuts