Routes of public transport
- -83.2238196, 42.5284404
- -83.2234219, 42.5195297
- -83.2232695, 42.516722400000006
- -83.2237539, 42.5270887
- Southfield / Beverly Hills Club (NB)
- Telegraph / 14 Mile (SB)
- -83.2236281, 42.5243368
- -83.2206742, 42.531429100000004
- -83.2237331, 42.526614
- -83.2138824, 42.5316174
- -83.21453670000001, 42.5315984
- -83.216789, 42.5315372
- Telegraph / Cromwell (NB)
- 14 Mile / Maryland (WB)
- -83.2857178, 42.5207391
- Southfield / 14 Mile (SB)
- Telegraph / 13 Mile NS (NB 275)
- -83.22339810000001, 42.5313621
- -83.2091518, 42.5317862
- -83.22392310000001, 42.530907500000005
- 14 Mile / Pierce (EB)
- -83.2854705, 42.513438
- 14 Mile / Bates NS (EB)
- -83.22363150000001, 42.524416300000006
- 14 Mile / Cummings (EB)
- -83.2234954, 42.5211424
- Southfield / Kinross (NB)
- Greenfield / Birwood NS (SB)
- -83.218314, 42.531495400000004
- Greenfield / Verona (SB)
Points of interest