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New York
New York
United States
45th Street
Stop 45th Street
Leaflet | © Cualbondi & OpenStreetMap contributors
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- NYCS - N Train (late nights): Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard → Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue
- NYCS - R Train: Forest Hills–71st Avenue → Bay Ridge–95th Street
- NYCS - R Train (late nights): Whitehall Street–South Ferry → Bay Ridge–95th Street
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- NYCS - N Train: Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard → Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue
- NYCS - N Train: Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue → Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard
- NYCS - N Train (late nights): Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard → Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue
- NYCS - N Train (late nights): Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue → Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard
- NYCS - N Train (weekends): Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard → Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue
- NYCS - N Train (weekends): Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue → Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard
- NYCS - R Train: Bay Ridge–95th Street → Forest Hills–71st Avenue
- NYCS - R Train: Forest Hills–71st Avenue → Bay Ridge–95th Street
- NYCS - R Train (late nights): Bay Ridge–95th Street → Whitehall Street–South Ferry
- NYCS - R Train (late nights): Whitehall Street–South Ferry → Bay Ridge–95th Street
Points of interest nearby
Mi Castillo
Zona Sur
Saint Michael's Elementary School
Tacos El Bronquito
Public School 2
Tacos Matamoras
Trinity Lutheran Church
Other stops near
45th Street