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Cottage Grove & Burnside
Stop Cottage Grove & Burnside
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Cottage Grove
- Cottage Grove
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Cottage Grove
- Cottage Grove
- Metra Electric District: Blue Island => Millennium Station
- Metra Electric District: Millennium Station => Blue Island
- Metra Electric District: Millennium Station => University Park
- Metra Electric District: University Park => Millennium Station
- NICTD South Shore Line: Millennium Station => South Bend
- NICTD South Shore Line: South Bend => Millennium Station
Points of interest nearby
Faith Temple House of God by Christ
Good Temple Missionary Baptist Church
First Church of the True Believers in Christ
Other stops near
Cottage Grove & 93rd Street
Cottage Grove & Lyon
Cottage Grove & Lyon
Cottage Grove & Burnside
Cottage Grove & 95th Street
Cottage Grove & 93rd Street
Cottage Grove & 95th Street
9600 S Cottage Grove
9600 S Cottage Grove
95th Street (Chicago State University)
95th Street (Chicago State University)
Cottage Grove & 95th Street (Metra)
Cottage Grove & 95th Street (Metra)
95th Street & Langley
95th Street & Langley