Star users
San Mateo County
United States
3555 Haven Avenue
Stop 3555 Haven Avenue
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- SamTrans 270: Redwood City Transit Center => Florence & 17th Avenue => Redwood City Transit Center
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Flixbus 2000: Los Angeles => Sacramento
- Flixbus N2003: San Diego => San Francisco
- Flixbus N2006: Los Angeles => Reno
- Flixbus N2008: Las Vegas => San Francisco
- SamTrans 270: Redwood City Transit Center => Florence & 17th Avenue => Redwood City Transit Center
Points of interest nearby
Trailer Rancho Mobile Home Park
Nine Lives Foundation
Other stops near
3555 Haven Avenue
3499 East Bayshore Road
3499 East Bayshore Road
3639 Haven Avenue
3639 Haven Avenue