Star users
Oakland County
United States
-83.2441002, 42.4728123
Stop -83.2441002, 42.4728123
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 730 WB: Gratiot => Telegraph
- 730 WB: Mack/Moross => Telegraph
- 730 WB: Royal Oak => Telegraph
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 730 EB: Telegraph => Mack/Moross
- 730 WB: Gratiot => Telegraph
- 730 WB: Mack/Moross => Telegraph
- 730 WB: Royal Oak => Telegraph
- 851 SB: Lone Pine => Downtown
- 851 SB: Lone Pine => Downtown via Northwestern
Other stops near
-83.24095720000001, 42.4728962
10 Mile / Evergreen (WB)
10 Mile / Northwestern (WB)
-83.2465519, 42.4727641
10 Mile / WXYZ (WB)
-83.24253850000001, 42.473613900000004
Northwestern / Town Center NS (NB)
-83.2405605, 42.473606200000006
Evergreen / 10 Mile (NB)
-83.2405727, 42.473771
Evergreen / 10 Mile NS (SB)
-83.24061920000001, 42.4726925
Evergreen / 10 Mile (SB)
-83.2405818, 42.4709105
Evergreen / Northwestern (SB)
-83.24639110000001, 42.4727678
10 Mile / WXYZ (EB)
-83.24403070000001, 42.4728137
10 Mile / Northwestern NS (EB)