Star users
Saint Clair Shores
Macomb County
United States
-82.8927039, 42.532392
Stop -82.8927039, 42.532392
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 615 SB: Macomb Mall => Moross
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 615 NB: Moross => Macomb Mall
- 615 SB: Macomb Mall => Moross
Points of interest nearby
Masonic Heights Elementary School
Other stops near
-82.89042900000001, 42.529778
Harper / Williamsburg NS (SB)
-82.89010920000001, 42.530158400000005
-82.8955042, 42.532370300000004
-82.8904402, 42.5324706
Masonic / Williamsburg (EB)
-82.8888733, 42.5324745
Masonic / Harper (WB)
-82.8906762, 42.5324693
Masonic / Robeson (WB)
-82.89469980000001, 42.5325263
Masonic / Crank's Bar and Grill
Harper / Euclid (NB)
Masonic / Heathwood (EB)
Masonic / Madison Heights Elementary (EB)