Star users
Wayne County
United States
-83.0309376, 42.3346645
Stop -83.0309376, 42.3346645
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 09 WB: Maryland => Downtown
- 610 SB: 15 Mile => WSU
- 620 SB: Macomb Mall => Downtown
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 09 EB: Downtown => Maryland
- 09 WB: Maryland => Downtown
- 610 NB: WSU => 15 Mile
- 610 SB: 15 Mile => WSU
- 620 NB: Downtown => Macomb Mall
- 620 SB: Macomb Mall => Downtown
- 635 NB: Downtown => Metro Parkway
- 635 SB: Metro Parkway => Downtown
- 67 EB: Downtown => Moross & Mack
- 67 WB: Moross & Mack => Downtown
Points of interest nearby
Clique Restaurant
Other stops near
-83.03361290000001, 42.333511800000004
Larned / St Aubin (EB)
-83.0330409, 42.3346675
-83.03148870000001, 42.338382100000004
Lafayette / 1300 (EB)
-83.03182890000001, 42.3384179
-83.0339651, 42.333360000000006
Jefferson / Rivard (EB)
Jefferson / Riopelle (EB)
Jefferson / Rivard NS (WB)
Larned / Rivard (EB)
-83.0294755, 42.3362233
Larned / Orleans NS (EB)
-83.0279697, 42.336875
Lafayette / Orleans NS (EB)
Lafayette / Lafayette Towers Center (WB)
-83.03052140000001, 42.3348433
Jefferson / Riopelle (WB)