Route 275 NB: Taylor => Pontiac via Southland
Places that travel to
Points of interest near the route
- Beech Daly / 7 Mile (NB)
- -83.27038850000001, 42.276479
- Telegraph / 21400 (NB)
- Telegraph / Oxford (NB)
- Huron / Franklin (EB)
- -83.2769542, 42.414806000000006
- -83.2761471, 42.3909297
- Telegraph / Lloyd (NB)
- -83.28187030000001, 42.4724972
- -83.2694977, 42.2412311
- Telegraph / Civic Center (NB)
- -83.2764672, 42.400590400000006
- -83.2695113, 42.312614
- Telegraph / Oak (NB)
- -83.2702402, 42.272990400000005
- -83.2701541, 42.2711192
- -83.2692133, 42.2329741
- -83.27888850000001, 42.4288934
- Goddard / Oak (WB)
- Telegraph / Hood (NB)
- -83.28475560000001, 42.543812800000005
- -83.270723, 42.2838812
- -83.27225490000001, 42.3235599
- 7 Mile / Lenore (WB)
- Telegraph / Eton (NB)
- Telegraph / 14 Mile (NB)
- Telegraph / Fairfax (NB)
- Beech Daly / Norfolk (NB)
- -83.25569800000001, 42.205474
- Pardee / Maplelawn (NB)
- -83.26965290000001, 42.2450674
- Telegraph / Glendale (NB)
- -83.2705554, 42.2800474
- -83.3053287, 42.6117246
- -83.2797752, 42.4689672
- Telegraph / Plymouth NS (NB)
- 7 Mile / Lenane (WB)
- -83.2817866, 42.428773
- -83.2784582, 42.4625149
- -83.2783253, 42.4579357
- -83.2539304, 42.2127339
- -83.2690864, 42.2309239
- 7 Mile / Grandview (WB)
- Telegraph / Inn of America (NB)
- Telegraph / Constance (NB)
- Telegraph / 31700 (NB)
- -83.2628383, 42.2265911
- -83.30534730000001, 42.6364298
- -83.26976850000001, 42.2480417
- Telegraph / Pawtucket (NB)
- Outer Dr / Michigan (NB)
- -83.2971503, 42.4319658
- -83.2871599, 42.442543900000004
- -83.2759209, 42.3861155
- -83.27295360000001, 42.3377294
- Telegraph / Cherry Hill (NB)
- Telegraph / Garner (NB)
- Telegraph / Cromwell (NB)
- Huron / Genessee (EB)
- Outer Dr / James Howard (NB)