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Hall in Tirol
Bezirk Innsbruck-Land
Milser Straße
Stop Milser Straße
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 7: Eichat Walderbrücke => Hall in Tirol Bahnhof
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 504 Hall – Innbruck Hbf
- 504 Innbruck Hbf – Hall
- 505 Hall – Innbruck Hbf
- 505 Innsbruck Hbf – Mils
- Bus 1A: Hall in Tirol Innweg => Hall in Tirol Kurhaus
- Bus 1A: Hall in Tirol Innweg => Hall in Tirol Kurhaus
- Bus 1A: Hall in Tirol Kurhaus => Hall in Tirol Innweg
- Bus 7: Eichat Walderbrücke => Hall in Tirol Bahnhof
- Stadtbus Hall 2 Bahnhof–Heiligkreuz
- Stadtbus Hall 5 Hall–Mils
- Stadtbus Hall 5 Mils–Hall
Points of interest nearby
Volksschule Schönegg Hall i.T.
Neue Mittelschule Schönegg Hall i. T.
Bücherei Schönegg
Dr. Christian Zangl
Dr. Anna-Valerie Kraft
KIDS Hall - Krabbelstube und Hort
Parkgarage Umit
Cafe Sandra
Other stops near
Volksschule Schönegg
Hall, Schönegg Kirche
Hall, Galgenfeldstraße
Hall, Milser Straße
Hall, Alter Zoll
Hall, Schönegg Kirche
Schönegg Kirche
Hall, Milser Straße
Milser Straße
Schönegg Kirche
Milser Straße
Hall, Milser Straße
Alter Zoll
Hall, Volksschule Schönegg
Hall, Milser Straße
Milser Straße