Star users
Villach Sankt Magdalen Sportplatz
Stop Villach Sankt Magdalen Sportplatz
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 30: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße <=> Sankt Ulrich
- Bus 3: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße => Sankt Ulrich
- Bus 3: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße <=> Sankt Ulrich (Rundkurs)
- Bus 3: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße => Sankt Ulrich (via St. Magdalen Technologiepark)
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 30: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße <=> Sankt Ulrich
- Bus 3: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße => Sankt Ulrich
- Bus 3: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße <=> Sankt Ulrich (Rundkurs)
- Bus 3: Villach 10.-Oktober-Straße => Sankt Ulrich (via St. Magdalen Technologiepark)
- Bus 3: Villach St. Ulrich <=> Hauptbahnhof
- Bus 3: Villach St. Ulrich <=> Hauptbahnhof (via Seebacher Allee)
- Bus 3: Villach St. Ulrich <=> Hauptbahnhof (via St. Magdalen Technologiepark)
- Bus 3: Villach St. Ulrich <=> Hauptbahnhof (via St. Magdalen Technologiepark, Seebacher Allee)
- Bus 8: St. Magdalen Technologiepark => Tschinowitsch
- Bus 8: St. Magdalen Technologiepark => Tschinowitsch => Hauptbahnhof
- Bus 8: St. Magdalen Technologiepark => Tschinowitsch => St. Magdalen Technologiepark
- Bus 8: St. Magdalen Technologiepark => Villach Hauptbahnhof
- Bus 8: St. Magdalen Technologiepark => Villach Hbf => St. Magdalen Technologiepark
- Bus 8: St. Magdalen Technologiepark => Villach Reitschulgasse
- Bus 8: Tschinowitsch => St. Magdalen Technologiepark
- Bus 8: Villach Hauptbahnhof => St. Magdalen Technologiepark
- Bus 8: Villach Hauptbahnhof => Tschinowitsch => St. Magdalen Technologiepark
- Bus 8: Villach Seebacher Allee => St. Magdalen Technologiepark
- Bus 8: Villach Zentralfriedhof Nordeingang => Tschinowitsch => St. Magdalen Technologiepark
- EC 112: Klagenfurt => Frankfurt
- EC 113: Frankfurt => Klagenfurt
- EC 114: Klagenfurt => Dortmund
- EC 115: Münster => Klagenfurt
- R600: Bruck => Villach
- R600: Villach => Bruck
- railjet Villach – Wien
- railjet Wien – Villach
- Salzburg – Klagenfurt
- S-Bahn S1: Friesach => Spittal-Millstättersee
- S-Bahn S1: Spittal-Millstättersee => Friesach
Points of interest nearby
Theatergruppe St. Magdalen
Post Filiale 9524
Other stops near
Villach Sankt Magdalen Sportplatz
Villach Sankt Magdalen Technologiepark
Villach Sankt Magdalen Technologiepark
Villach Sankt Magdalen Sportplatz
Villach Peter-Melcher-Straße
Villach Peter-Melcher-Straße