Star users
Bezirk Bregenz
Bregenz Wolfordstraße
Stop Bregenz Wolfordstraße
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 11: Dornbirn => Bregenz
- Bus 135: Dornbirn => A14 => Lauterach => Hard => Bregenz
- Bus 15: Gaißau => Bregenz
- Bus 17: Lustenau => Bregenz
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 11: Bregenz => Dornbirn
- Bus 11: Dornbirn => Bregenz
- Bus 135: Bregenz => Hard => Lauterach => A14 => Dornbirn
- Bus 135: Dornbirn => A14 => Lauterach => Hard => Bregenz
- Bus 15: Bregenz => Gaißau
- Bus 15: Gaißau => Bregenz
- Bus 17: Bregenz => Lustenau
- Bus 17: Lustenau => Bregenz
Points of interest nearby
Tanzbar Nachtigall
Srpska pravoslavna parohija Bregenz
IBO's Kebap Haus
Eurospar Tiefgarage
No 1
Royal Imbiss
Eurospar Tiefgarage
Eurospar Tiefgarage
Eurospar BISTRO
Pizza Charly
Tierklinik / Kleintierpraxis Fürst
Helin Fidan Imbiss
Other stops near
Bregenz Stoppelfeldgasse
Bregenz Wuhrwaldstraße
Bregenz Wuhrwaldstraße
Bregenz Prälatendammstraße
Bregenz Harder Brücke
Bregenz Harder Brücke
Bregenz Wolfordstraße
Bregenz Wolfordstraße
Bregenz Wolfordstraße
Bregenz Harder Brücke
Bregenz Wuhrwaldstraße
Bregenz Wuhrwaldstraße
Bregenz Prälatendammstraße
Bregenz Stoppelfeldgasse
Bregenz Stoppelfeldgasse
Bregenz Harder Brücke