Star users
Bezirk Eferding
Upper Austria
Straßham B129/Im Schönfeld
Stop Straßham B129/Im Schönfeld
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 670 Linz - Engelhartszell
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 670 Linz - Engelhartszell
- Bus 670: Passau - Wesenufer - Eferding - Linz
- Bus 671: Aschach - Alkoven - Wilhering
- Bus 671: Hartheim - Wilhering
- Bus 671: Hinzenbach - Alkoven - Wilhering
- Bus 671: Wilhering - Alkoven - Aschach
- Bus 671: Wilhering - Hartheim - Alkoven
- Bus 696: Linz voestalpine - Eferding - St. Agatha
- Bus 696: St. Agatha - Eferding - Linz voestalpine
- Bus 698: Aschach - Eferding - Linz voestalpine
- Bus 698: Linz voestalpine - Eferding - Aschach
- Bus 699: Linz voestalpine - Eferding - Peuerbach
- Bus 699: Peuerbach - Eferding - Linz voestalpine
Other stops near
Straßham Wehrgasse
Straßham B129/Im Schönfeld
Straßham B129/Im Schönfeld