Ouverture de session
Utilisateurs étoile
Australie occidentale
City of Perth
CPP Council House Car Park
Comment arriver à
CPP Council House Car Park
rédigez le premier avis
Voir sur la carte interactive
Itinéraires de transports publics qui passent à côté de cet endroit
- 1F Blue CAT (Perth Busport → Kings Park)
- 270F Elizabeth Quay Bus Station → High Wycombe Station
- 270T High Wycombe Station → Elizabeth Quay Bus Station
- 940F Elizabeth Quay Bus Station → Redcliffe Station
- 940T Redcliffe Station → Elizabeth Quay Bus Station
- Blue CAT
- Bus 158 to Perth
- Bus 160 to Fremantle
- Red CAT
Arrêts à proximité
Town Hall
Town Hall
St Georges Terrace before Barrack Street - Stand N
St Georges Tce Stand O - After Barrack St
Barrack Street after Murray Street
St Georges Terrace before Irwin Street - Stand C
St Georges Terrace after Catheral Avenue - Stand E