Usuarios estrella
Nueva Gales del Sur
The Hills Shire Council
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Recorridos de transporte público que pasan por este lugar
- 600 Hornsby to Parramatta
- 600 Parramatta to Hornsby
- 604 Dural to Parramatta
- 604 Parramatta to Dural
- 610X Castle Hill to City QVB (Express Service)
- 612X Castle Hill to North Sydney (Express Service)
- 612X North Sydney to Castle Hill (Express Service)
- 626 Kellyville to Pennant Hills
- 626 Pennant Hills to Kellyville
- 632 Pennant Hills to Rouse Hill
- 632 Rouse Hill Station to Pennant Hills
- 730 Blacktown to Castle Hill
- 730 Castle Hill to Blacktown
- Sydney Metro Northwest
- Sydney Metro Northwest
Paradas cercanas
Castle Hill Interchange
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill Station, Old Northern Rd, Stand C
Castle Hill Station, Old Northern Rd, Stand A
Castle Hill Station, Old Castle Hill Rd, Stand E
Castle Hill Station, Old Northern Rd, Stand D