وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
South Australia
City of Burnside
Glen Osmond Surgicentre
چگونه به آن برسیم
Glen Osmond Surgicentre
اولین نظر را بنویسید
در نقشه تعاملی مشاهده کنید
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که کنار این مکان می گذرد
- 171 - City to Mitcham Square
- 171 - Mitcham Square to City
- Adelaide bus station => Albury railway station
- Adelaide bus station → Bendigo railway station
- Albury railway station => Adelaide bus station
- Bendigo railway station → Adelaide bus station
- Blackwood Station Interchange to City
- Bus 830F - City to Lobethal
- Bus 830F - Lobethal to City
- Bus 863: Aldgate to City
- Bus 863: City to Aldgate
- Bus 863F: Aldgate to City
- Bus 863F: City to Aldgate
- Bus T863: Aldgate to City
- Bus T863: City to Aldgate
ایستگاه های نزدیک
Stop 3 Glen Osmond Road - South West side
Stop 3 Glen Osmond Road - North East side