وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
South Australia
Adelaide City Council
Hut and Soul Eatery
چگونه به آن برسیم
Hut and Soul Eatery
اولین نظر را بنویسید
در نقشه تعاملی مشاهده کنید
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که کنار این مکان می گذرد
- 98A - City & North Adelaide Anti-Clockwise Loop
- 99A - City anti-clockwise loop via Town Hall, Rundle Mall, State Library & Museums, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Adelaide Central Market
- 99C - City clockwise loop via Town Hall, Rundle Mall, State Library & Museums, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Adelaide Central Market
- Albury railway station => Adelaide bus station
- Bendigo railway station → Adelaide bus station
- Bus 830F - City to Lobethal
- Bus 830F - Lobethal to City
- Bus 863: Aldgate to City
- Bus 863: City to Aldgate
- Bus 863F: Aldgate to City
- Bus 863F: City to Aldgate
- Bus T863: Aldgate to City
- Bus T863: City to Aldgate
- City (King William Street) - Glenelg via Unley Road & Raglan Avenue
- Glenelg - City (King William Street) via Unley Road & Raglan Avenue
ایستگاه های نزدیک
Stop R1 Pulteney Street - West side
Stop S1 Pulteney Street - West side
Stop H1 Halifax St - North side
Stop I1 Pulteney Street - East side