Ouverture de session
Utilisateurs étoile
City of Boroondara
The Cake Alchemist
Comment arriver à
The Cake Alchemist
rédigez le premier avis
+61 3 9041 9967
Voir sur la carte interactive
Itinéraires de transports publics qui passent à côté de cet endroit
- Bus 200: Bulleen => Kew Junction => City (Queen Street)
- Bus 200: City (Queen Street) => Kew Junction => Bulleen
- Bus 207: City (Queen Street) => Kew Junction => Doncaster Shopping Centre
- Bus 207: Doncaster Shopping Centre => Kew Junction => City (Queen Street)
- Bus 548: Kew (Cotham Road) => Kingsbury Drive & Science Drive => La Trobe University
- Bus 548: Kew (Cotham Road) => Springthorpe Boulevard & Main Drive => La Trobe University
- Bus 548: La Trobe University => Main Drive & Springthorpe Boulevard => Kew (Cotham Road)
- Bus 548: La Trobe University => Science Drive & Kingsbury Drive => Kew (Cotham Road)
- Tram 48d: North Balwyn => Kew Depot
- Tram 48: North Balwyn => Victoria Harbour
- Tram 48: Victoria Harbour => North Balwyn
Arrêts à proximité
Stop 43: Kew High School
Stop 44: Burke Road
Kilby Road
145.0642886, -37.7927497
Burke Road
Burke Road
Stop 44: Burke Road
Stop 45: Burke Road
Stop 45: Burke Road
Stop 44: Burke Road
Stop 44: Burke Road
Stop 43: Kew High School
145.0635106, -37.796283700000004