Usuarios estrella
City of Manningham
Village Cinemas
Cómo llegar a
Village Cinemas
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Recorridos de transporte público que pasan por este lugar
- Bus 207: City (Queen Street) => Kew Junction => Doncaster Shopping Centre
- Bus 207: Doncaster Shopping Centre => Kew Junction => City (Queen Street)
- Bus 280: The Pines SC - Doncaster Shoppingtown Loop (clockwise)
- Bus 282: The Pines SC - Doncaster Shoppingtown Loop (anticlockwise)
- Bus 293: Box Hill => Greensborough
- Bus 293: Greensborough => Box Hill
- Bus 304: City (Lonsdale Street) => Eastern Freeway & Belmore Road => Doncaster Shoppingtown
- Bus 304: Doncaster Shoppingtown => Eastern Freeway & Belmore Road => City (Lonsdale Street)
- Bus 305: City (Lonsdale Street) => Eastern Freeway & George Street => The Pines SC
- Bus 305: The Pines SC => George Street & Eastern Freeway => City (Lonsdale Street)
- Bus 902: Airport West Shopping Centre => Chelsea railway station
- Bus 902: Chelsea railway station => Airport West Shopping Centre
- Bus 903: Altona railway station → Mordialloc Shopping Centre
- Bus 903: Mordialloc Shopping Centre → Altona railway station
- Bus 907: City (Lonsdale Street) => Eastern Freeway => Mitcham
- Bus 907: Mitcham => Eastern Freeway => City (Lonsdale Street)
Paradas cercanas
Doncaster Shopping Centre (Bay 4)
Doncaster Shopping Centre (Bay 7)
Doncaster Shopping Centre (Bay 6)
Doncaster Shopping Centre (Bay 3)
Doncaster Shopping Centre (Bay 1)
Doncaster Junction/Doncaster Road
Doncaster Junction/Doncaster Road