Usuários estrela
Northern Beaches Council
Nova Gales do Sul
Sydney Rd after Kempbridge Ave
Parada Sydney Rd after Kempbridge Ave
Rotas de transporte público que param nesta parada
- 144 Chatswood to Manly
- 145 Seaforth to Warringah Mall
- 162: Manly to Seaforth Shops
- 162: Seaforth Shops to Manly
- 168X Balgowlah to City Wynyard
- 171X: Balgowlah to City Wynyard (Express Service)
- 172X Warringah Mall to City Wynyard
Rotas de transporte público que passam nas proximidades desta parada (não param aqui)
- 144 Chatswood to Manly
- 145 Seaforth to Warringah Mall
- 145 Warringah Mall to Seaforth
- 162: Manly to Seaforth Shops
- 162: Seaforth Shops to Manly
- 168X Balgowlah to City Wynyard
- 168X City Wynyard to Balgowlah
- 171X: Balgowlah to City Wynyard (Express Service)
- 171X: City Wynyard to Balgowlah (Express Service)
- 172X City Wynyard to Warringah Mall
- 172X Warringah Mall to City Wynyard
Pontos de interesse próximos
Simply Chickens
Johnny's Coffee
Seaforth Pharmacy
Ethel Street Preschool
Local's Corner
trapani espresso
Seaforth Post Office
espresso Seaforth
Balance Thai
Plato's Republic
Seaforth Library
Outras paradas nas proximidades
Balgowlah RSL Memorial Club, Ethel St
Sydney Rd opp Kempbridge Ave
Manly Rd opp Avona Cres
Manly Rd at Heaton Ave
Ponsonby Pde opp Old Sydney Rd
Brook Rd opp Seaforth Public School
Frenchs Forest Rd at Ellery Pde
Frenchs Forest Rd opp Seaforth Public School
Seaforth Public School, Brook Rd
Seaforth Public School, Frenchs Forest Rd
Ethel St at Coral St
Maretimo St opp NBSC Balgowlah Boys
Balgowlah Golf Club, Sydney Rd
Ethel St at Plant St
Sydney Rd at Coral St