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Sutherland Shire Council
New South Wales
Grays Point Rural Fire Brigade, Inglewood Rd
Perhentian Grays Point Rural Fire Brigade, Inglewood Rd
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang berhenti di perhentian ini
- 975 Miranda to Grays Point Loop Service
- 976 Sutherland to Grays Point (Loop Service)
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang melewati hentian ini (jangan berhenti di sini)
- 975 Miranda to Grays Point Loop Service
- 976 Sutherland to Grays Point (Loop Service)
Perhentian lain berhampiran
Grays Point Community Church, Grays Point Rd
Grays Point Rd opp Grays Point Community Hall
Grays Point Rd after Cormorant St
Budyan Rd at Moyran Pde
Grays Point Community Hall, Grays Point Rd