Usuários estrela
City of Parramatta Council
Nova Gales do Sul
Pierre de Coubertin Park, Newington Bvd
Parada Pierre de Coubertin Park, Newington Bvd
Rotas de transporte público que param nesta parada
- 525 Sydney Olympic Park to Parramatta
- 526 Burwood to Rhodes Shopping Centre
Rotas de transporte público que passam nas proximidades desta parada (não param aqui)
- 525 Parramatta to Sydney Olympic Park
- 525 Sydney Olympic Park to Parramatta
- 526 Burwood to Rhodes Shopping Centre
- 526 Rhodes Shopping Centre to Burwood
Outras paradas nas proximidades
Newington Bvd opp Buruwang Park
Newington Community Centre, Avenue of Europe
Avenue of Africa before Holker St
Avenue of Africa before Avenue of Asia
Newington Marketplace, Avenue of Europe
Pierre de Coubertin Park, Avenue of Oceania
Buruwang Park, Newington Bvd
Avenue of Asia before Holker St