Blacktown City Council
Prospect Hwy before Johnson Ave
Haltestelle Prospect Hwy before Johnson Ave
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, die an dieser Haltestelle halten
- 711 Parramatta to Blacktown
- 714 Seven Hills to Norwest Station
- 715 Seven Hills to Rouse Hill Station
- 718 Seven Hills to Kings Langley
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, die in der Nähe dieser Haltestelle verlaufen (hier nicht anhalten)
- 611 Blacktown to Macquarie Park
- 611 Macquarie Park to Blacktown
- 630 Blacktown to Epping
- 630 Epping to Blacktown
- 711 Blacktown to Parramatta
- 711 Parramatta to Blacktown
- 714 Norwest Station to Seven Hills
- 714 Seven Hills to Norwest Station
- 715 Rouse Hill Station to Seven Hills
- 715 Seven Hills to Rouse Hill Station
- 718 Kings Langley to Seven Hills
- 718 Seven Hills to Kings Langley
Andere Haltestellen in der Nähe
Johnson Ave opp Pineleigh Rd
Prospect Hwy opp Lucas Rd
Johnson Ave at Pineleigh Rd
Johnson Ave before Northcott Rd
Prospect Hwy after Lucas Rd
Station Rd after Abbott Rd
Station Rd after Park Rd
Prospect Hwy after Station Rd
Abbott Rd before Station Rd
Abbott Rd at Seven Hills Rd