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City of Canada Bay Council
New South Wales
Garfield St before Harris Rd
Perhentian Garfield St before Harris Rd
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang berhenti di perhentian ini
- 415 Chiswick to Campsie
- 502 Town Hall and Drummoyne to Cabarita Wharf
- 530 Chatswood to Burwood
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang melewati hentian ini (jangan berhenti di sini)
- 415 Campsie to Chiswick
- 415 Chiswick to Campsie
- 502 Cabarita Wharf to Drummoyne and City Town Hall
- 502 Town Hall and Drummoyne to Cabarita Wharf
- 530 Burwood to Chatswood
- 530 Chatswood to Burwood
Perhentian lain berhampiran
Harris Rd at Garfield St
Harris Rd before Lyons Rd West
Lyons Rd West at William St
Harris Rd opp Garfield St
Lyons Rd West at Corden Ave
Harris Rd at Henry St
Harris Rd at Queens Rd
Parramatta Rd at Courland St
Harris Rd before Queens Rd