وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
City of Stirling
Western Australia
Alexander Drive after Linden Street
ایستگاه Alexander Drive after Linden Street
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- 20TA Morley Bus Station → ECU Mount Lawley via Dianella Library
- 20T Morley Bus Station → ECU Mount Lawley
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- 20FA ECU Mount Lawley → Morley Bus Station via Dianella Library
- 20F ECU Mount Lawley → Morley Bus Station
- 20TA Morley Bus Station → ECU Mount Lawley via Dianella Library
- 20T Morley Bus Station → ECU Mount Lawley
- 360F Perth Busport → Alexander Heights Shopping Centre
- 360T Alexander Heights Shopping Centre → Perth Busport
- 361F Perth Busport → Alexander Heights Shopping Centre
- 361T Alexander Heights Shopping Centre → Perth Busport
- 362F Perth Busport → Ballajura
- 362T Ballajura → Perth Busport
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی
Alexander Drive after Light St
Alexander Drive before Morley Drive
Alexander Drive after Linden Street
The Strand after Booker Street
Alexander Drive after Morley Drive
The Strand before Booker Street