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Região Geográfica Imediata de Dourados
Avenida Marcelino Pires
Stop Avenida Marcelino Pires
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- L01 VOLTA : Jóquei Clube -> Terminal
- L02 VOLTA : Santa Maria -> Terminal
- L06 VOLTA : Distrito Industrial -> Terminal
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- L01 IDA : Terminal -> Jóquei Clube
- L01 VOLTA : Jóquei Clube -> Terminal
- L02 IDA : Terminal -> Santa Maria
- L02 VOLTA : Santa Maria -> Terminal
- L03 IDA : Terminal -> Braswey
- L05 IDA : Terminal -> Dioclécio / Guaicurus
- L06 IDA : Terminal -> Distrito Industrial
- L06 VOLTA : Distrito Industrial -> Terminal
Other stops near
Avenida Marcelino Pires, 14432
Avenida Marcelino Pires
Avenida Marcelino Pires