Routes of public transport
Bus 210: Le Grand-St-Bernard, Hospice => Orsières, gare
Bus 210: Le Grand-St-Bernard, Hospice => Orsières, gare
Bus 210: Orsières, gare => Le Grand-St-Bernard, Hospice
Bus 210: Orsières, gare => Le Grand-St-Bernard, Hospice
Bus 211: Aosta, Autostazione => Martigny, gare
Bus 211: Aosta, Autostazione => Martigny, gare
Bus 211: Martigny, gare => Aosta, Autostazione
Bus 215: Chemin, sommet village => Martigny, gare
Bus 215: Col-des-Planches => Martigny, gare
Bus 215 Martigny <-> Chemin <-> Col des Planches
Bus 215: Martigny, gare => Chemin, sommet village
Bus 241: Vens, Centre => Sembrancher, gare
Bus 242: Levron => Sembrancher, gare
Bus 243: La Garde (Sembrancher) => Sembrancher, gare
Bus 243: Sembrancher, gare => Chamoille (Sembrancher)
Bus 251: Verbier, station poste => Le Châble VS, gare
Bus 252: Bruson, Valbord => Le Châble VS, gare
Bus 253: Mauvoisin => Lourtier => Versegères => Le Châble VS, gare
Bus 271: Champex, télé => Orsières, gare
Bus 272: Ferret => Orsières, gare
Bus 272: Orsières, gare => Ferret
Bus 273: Commeire => Orsières, gare
Bus 273: Orsières, gare => Commeire
Bus Bruson <-> Moay
Points of interest