How to get to Bibliothèque interculturelle "LivrEchange" de Fribourg?
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
- - Bus 361: Fribourg => Rosé => Corserey => Rosé => Grolley => Fribourg
- - Bus 470: Fribourg => Romont FR
- - Bus 470: Romont FR => Fribourg
- - Bus 4: Fribourg, Auge Sous-Pont → Gare routière
- - Bus 4: Fribourg, Gare routière → Auge Sous-Pont
- - Bus 544: Gletterens => Fribourg/Freiburg
- - Bus 545: Courtepin => Fribourg
- - Bus 5: Fribourg, Torry → Villars-sur-Glâne, gare
- - Bus 5: Villars-sur-Glâne, gare → Fribourg, Torry
- - Bus 6: Fribourg, Guintzet → Musy 4
- - Bus 6: Fribourg, Musy 4 → Guintzet
- - Bus 7: Villars-sur-Glâne, Petit-Moncor => Fribourg/Freiburg, gare routière
- - Gare - Cliniques
- - RE2: Bern => Broc-Chocolaterie
- - RE2: Broc-Chocolaterie => Bern
- - RE3: Broc-Chocolaterie => Düdingen
Nearby stops