Star users
Côte d'Ivoire
Paris Village
Stop Paris Village
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- gkaka : Gare Djibi → Gare d'Abobo
- woro woro : 4 Croix → Centre Culturel
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- bus 16 : Djibi Village → Gare Nord
- bus 16 : Gare Nord → Djibi Village
- bus 80 : Abobo Biabou → CHU Angré
- bus 80 : CHU Angré → Abobo Biabou
- gbaka : Biabou Paris Village → Centre Culturel
- gbaka : Centre Culturel → Biabou Paris Village
- gkaka : Gare d'Abobo → Gare Djibi
- gkaka : Gare Djibi → Gare d'Abobo
- woro woro : 4 Croix → Centre Culturel
- woro woro : Abobo Gare → Biabou
- woro woro : Biabou → Abobo Gare
- woro woro : Centre Culturel → 4 Croix
Other stops near
Terminus Djibi Village
Terminus Djibi Village
Arrêt Djibi Village
Paris Village
Carrefour Soro
Paris Village
Paris Village
Carrefour Soro
Terre Rouge