Star users
Guangdong Province
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Island
New Territories
Wan Chai District
San Ka La
How to get to
San Ka La
write the first review
+852 2871 2269
See in interactive map
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
- Bus 10 (North Point Ferry Pier - Kennedy Town)
- Bus 15 (Central (Exchange Square) - The Peak)
- Bus 15 (Central Pier 5 - The Peak)
- Bus 1 (Felix Villas - Happy Valley (Upper))
- Bus 1 (Felix Villas - Happy Valley (Upper)) (Sunday)
- Bus 37B (Chi Fu Fa Yuen ↺ Admiralty)
- Bus 37X (Chi Fu Fa Yuen ↺ Admiralty)
- Bus 38 (North Point Ferry Pier - Chi Fu Fa Yuen)
- Bus 601 (Po Tat Estate - Admiralty (East))
- Bus 680 (Ma On Shan (Lee On Estate) - Admiralty (East))
- Bus 70 (Central (Exchange Square) - Wah Kwai Estate)
- Bus 70 (Wah Kwai Estate - Central (Exchange Square))
- Bus 72 (Causeway Bay (Moreton Terrace) - Wah Kwai Estate)
- Bus 77 (Shau Kei Wan → Tin Wan)
- Bus 77 (Tin Wan → Shau Kei Wan)
- Bus 99 (Shau Kei Wan → South Horizons)
- Bus 99 (South Horizons → Shau Kei Wan)
- Cross-harbour Bus 101 (Kennedy Town → Kwun Tong (Yue Man Square))
- Cross-harbour Bus 101 (Kwun Tong (Yue Man Square) → Kennedy Town)
- Cross-harbour Bus 112 (So Uk → North Point (Pak Fuk Road))
- Cross-harbour Bus 170 (Sha Tin Railway Station → Wah Fu (Central))
- Cross-harbour Bus 170 (Wah Fu (Central) → Sha Tin Station)
- Cross-harbour Bus 182 (Central (Macau Ferry) → Yu Chui Court)
- 城巴19線 Citybus 19 (跑馬地(上) Happy Valley (Upper) → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴1號線 CTB 1 (跑馬地(上) Happy Valley (Upper) → 摩星嶺 Felix Villas)
- 城巴260線 Citybus 260 (中環 Central → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴260線 Citybus 260 (赤柱 Stanley → 中環 Central)
- 城巴260線 Citybus 260 (赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison → 中環 Central)
- 城巴37A線 Citybus 37A (置富花園 Chi Fu Fa Yuen ↺ 中環 Central)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier → 置富 Chi Fu)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (置富 Chi Fu → 北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (置富 Chi Fu → 北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier (不經華富 omit Wah Fu))
- 城巴629線 Citybus 629 (中環(天星碼頭) Central (Star Ferry) → 水上樂園 Water World)
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley (不經馬場 omit Racecourse))
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (赤柱 Stanley → 北角 North Point)
- 城巴6A線 Citybus 6A (中環 Central → 赤柱炮台 Stanley Fort)
- 城巴6X線 Citybus 6X (中環 Central → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴6X線 Citybus 6X (赤柱 Stanley → 中環 Central)
- 城巴6X線 Citybus 6X (赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison → 中環 Central)
- 城巴6號線 Citybus 6 (中環 Central → 赤柱 Stanley (不經馬坑 omit Ma Hang))
- 城巴6號線 Citybus 6 (中環 Central → 赤柱 Stanley (經舂坎角及馬坑 via Chung Hom Kok & Ma Hang))
- 城巴6號線 Citybus 6 (中環 Central → 赤柱 Stanley (經馬坑 via Ma Hang))
- 城巴789線 Citybus 789 (金鐘(樂禮街) Admiralty (Rodney Street) → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴8S線 Citybus 8S (跑馬地馬場 Happy Valley Racecourse → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴機場快線A17(機場→深灣) Cityflyer A17 (Airport → Sham Wan)
- 城巴機場快線A17(深灣→機場) Cityflyer A17 (Sham Wan → Airport)
- 新巴66線 NWFB 66 (中環 Central → 馬坑 Ma Hang)
- 港島專綫小巴40X線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40X (赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison → 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay)
- 港島專綫小巴40X線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40X (銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay → 赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison)
- 港島專綫小巴40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40 (赤柱村 Stanley Village → 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay)
- 港島專綫小巴40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus 40 (銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay → 赤柱村 Stanley Village)
- 港島專綫小巴N40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus N40 (赤柱村 Stanley Village → 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay)
- 港島專綫小巴N40線 Hong Kong Green Minibus N40 (銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay → 赤柱村 Stanley Village)
- 跑馬地 → 堅尼地城 Happy Valley → Kennedy Town
- 跑馬地 → 筲箕灣 Happy Valley → Shau Kei Wan
- 過海隧巴116線(慈雲山(中)→鰂魚涌) Cross-harbour Bus 116 (Tsz Wan Shan (Central) → Quarry Bay)
- 過海隧巴679線 Cross-harbour Bus 679 (皇后山邨 Queen's Hill Estate → 香港站 Hong Kong Station)
- 過海隧巴680B線 Cross-harbour Bus 680B (富安花園 Chevalier Garden → 金鐘站 Admiralty Station)
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