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Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Nuovi Territori
東區 Eastern District
蜀意 Suk Yi
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蜀意 Suk Yi
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Vie di trasporto pubblico che passano accanto a questo luogo
- Bus 10 (North Point Ferry Pier - Kennedy Town)
- Bus 18 (North Point (Healthy Street Central) - Sheung Wan)
- Bus 18P (North Point (Healthy Street Central) - Kennedy Town (Belcher Bay))
- Bus 18 (Sheung Wan - North Point (Healthy Street Central))
- Bus 25 (Central (Pier 5) ↺ Braemar Hill)
- Bus 2A (Wan Chai North → Yiu Tung)
- Bus 2A (Yiu Tung → Wan Chai North)
- Bus 2 (Central (Macau Ferry) → Grand Promenade)
- Bus 38 (North Point Ferry Pier - Chi Fu Fa Yuen)
- Bus 601 (Admiralty (East) - Po Tat Estate)
- Bus 601 (Po Tat Estate - Admiralty (East))
- Bus 619 (Central (Macau Ferry) - Shun Lee Estate)
- Bus 619 (Shun Lee Estate - Central (Macau Ferry))
- Bus 619X (Shun Lee Estate - Central (Macau Ferry))
- Bus 680 (Admiralty (East) - Ma On Shan (Lee On Estate))
- Bus 680 (Ma On Shan (Lee On Estate) - Admiralty (East))
- Bus 720 (Central (Gilman Street) → Grand Promenade) (1)
- Bus 720 (Grand Promenade → Central (Gilman Street)) (1)
- Bus 720 (Grand Promenade → Central (Macau Ferry)) (2)
- Bus 720P (Central (Gilman Street) → Taikoo Shing)
- Bus 722 (Yiu Tung → Central Ferry Piers) (2)
- Bus 77 (Shau Kei Wan → Tin Wan)
- Bus 77 (Tin Wan → Shau Kei Wan)
- Bus 99 (Shau Kei Wan → South Horizons)
- Bus 99 (South Horizons → Shau Kei Wan)
- Cross-harbour Bus 102 (Mei Foo → Shau Kei Wan)
- Cross-harbour Bus 102P (Shau Kei Wan → Mei Foo)
- Cross-harbour Bus 102 (Shau Kei Wan → Mei Foo)
- Cross-harbour Bus 106P (Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → Wong Tai Sin)
- Cross-harbour Bus 106 (Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → Wong Tai Sin)
- Cross-harbour Bus 106 (Wong Tai Sin → Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- Cross-harbour Bus 112 (North Point (Pak Fuk Road) → So Uk)
- Cross-harbour Bus 112 (So Uk → North Point (Pak Fuk Road))
- NWFB 720A (Grand Promenade ↺ Admiralty (Central Government Offices))
- 上環 (西港城) → 筲箕灣 Western Market → Shau Kei Wan
- 北角 → 石塘咀 North Point → Shek Tong Tsui
- 城巴19線 Citybus 19 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 跑馬地(上) Happy Valley (Upper))
- 城巴19線 Citybus 19 (跑馬地(上) Happy Valley (Upper) → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴2X線 Citybus 2X (嘉亨灣 Grand Promenade → 會展站 Exhibition Centre Station)
- 城巴2號線 Citybus 2 (嘉亨灣 Grand Promenade → 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry))
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier → 置富 Chi Fu)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (置富 Chi Fu → 北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier)
- 城巴38線 Citybus 38 (置富 Chi Fu → 北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier (不經華富 omit Wah Fu))
- 城巴63線 Citybus 63 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴63線 Citybus 63 (赤柱 Stanley → 北角 North Point)
- 城巴63線 Citybus 63 (赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison → 北角 North Point)
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley (不經馬場 omit Racecourse))
- 城巴65線 Citybus 65 (赤柱 Stanley → 北角 North Point)
- 城巴720A線 Citybus 720A (嘉亨灣 Grand Promenade → 金鐘 Admiralty)
- 城巴720P線 Citybus 720P (太古城 Taikoo Shing → 中環 Central)
- 城巴720線 Citybus 720 (嘉亨灣 Grand Promenade ↺ 中環 Central) (經金鐘 via Admiralty)
- 城巴722線 Citybus 722 (耀東邨 Yiu Tung Estate → 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square))
- 城巴722線 Citybus 722 (耀東邨 Yiu Tung Estate ↺ 中環碼頭 Central Ferry Piers) (1)
- 城巴780線 Citybus 780 (柴灣(東) Chai Wan (East) → 中環碼頭 Central (Ferry Piers))
- 城巴788線 Citybus 788 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry))
- 城巴788線 Citybus 788 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry) (不停富景花園 omit Fullview Garden))
- 城巴788線 Citybus 788 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry) (不停富景花園、曉翠街及舊灣仔警署 omit Fullview Garden, Hiu Tsui Street and Old Wan Chai Police Station))
- 城巴788線 Citybus 788 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry) (不停曉翠街及舊灣仔警署 omit Hiu Tsui Street and Old Wan Chai Police Station))
- 城巴788線 Citybus 788 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry) (經金鐘 via Admiralty))
- 城巴789線 Citybus 789 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 金鐘(樂禮街) Admiralty (Rodney Street))
- 城巴789線 Citybus 789 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 金鐘(樂禮街) Admiralty (Rodney Street) (不停富景花園 omit Fullview Garden))
- 城巴789線 Citybus 789 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 金鐘(樂禮街) Admiralty (Rodney Street) (不停富景花園及曉翠街 omit Fullview Garden and Hiu Tsui Street))
- 城巴789線 Citybus 789 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 金鐘(樂禮街) Admiralty (Rodney Street) (不停曉翠街 omit Hiu Tsui Street))
- 城巴8H線 Citybus 8H (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 東華東院 Tung Wah Eastern Hospital)
- 城巴8P線 Citybus 8P (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 會展站 Exhibition Centre Station (不停富景花園 omit Fullview Garden))
- 城巴8S線 Citybus 8S (跑馬地馬場 Happy Valley Racecourse → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴8X線 Citybus 8X (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 跑馬地(下) Happy Valley (Lower))
- 城巴8X線 Citybus 8X (跑馬地(下) Happy Valley (Lower) → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴N8X線 Citybus N8X (堅尼地城 Kennedy Town → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 城巴N8X線 Citybus N8X (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 堅尼地城 Kennedy Town)
- 城巴N8線 Citybus N8 (會展站 Exhibition Centre Station → 杏花邨 Heng Fa Chuen)
- 城巴N8線 Citybus N8 (會展站 Exhibition Centre Station ↺ 杏花邨 Heng Fa Chuen)
- 城巴機場快線A11線 Cityflyer A11 (北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier → 機場 Airport)
- 城巴機場快線A11線 Cityflyer A11 (機場 Airport → 北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier)
- 堅尼地城 → 筲箕灣 Kennedy Town → Shau Kei Wan
- 新巴81線 NWFB 81 (勵德邨 Lai Tak Tsuen → 興華邨 Hing Wah Estate)
- 新巴81線 NWFB 81 (興華邨 Hing Wah Estate → 勵德邨 Lai Tak Tsuen)
- 新巴8H線 NWFB 8H (東華東院 Tung Wah Eastern Hospital → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
- 新巴8P線 NWFB 8P (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 灣仔北 Wan Chai North)
- 新巴8P線 NWFB 8P (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 銅鑼灣(希慎廣場) Causeway Bay (Hysan Place))
- 新巴8號線 NWFB 8 (杏花邨 Heng Fa Chuen → 會展站 Exhibition Centre Station)
- 新巴N8P線 NWFB N8P (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) ↺ 灣仔(港灣道) Wan Chai (Harbour Road))
- 港鐵港島綫 (上) MTR Island Line (北行 Northbound)
- 港鐵港島綫 (下) MTR Island Line (南行 Southbound)
- 石塘咀 → 北角 Shek Tong Tsui → North Point
- 空調過海路線第307號 (大埔中心→上環) Air-Conditioned Cross Harbour Route No. 307 (Tai Po Centre → Sheung Wan)
- 空調過海路線第307號 (大埔中心→中環碼頭) Air-Conditioned Cross Harbour Route No. 307 (Tai Po Centre → Central Ferry Piers)
- 筲箕灣 → 上環 (西港城) Shau Kei Wan → Western Market
- 筲箕灣 → 堅尼地城 Shau Kei Wan → Kennedy Town
- 筲箕灣 → 跑馬地 Shau Kei Wan → Happy Valley
- 跑馬地 → 筲箕灣 Happy Valley → Shau Kei Wan
- 過海隧巴110線 Cross-harbour Bus 110 (筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan → 尖沙咀東(麼地道) Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road))
- 過海隧巴110線 Cross-harbour Bus 110 (筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan ↺ 尖沙咀東(麼地道) Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road))
- 過海隧巴116線(慈雲山(中)→鰂魚涌) Cross-harbour Bus 116 (Tsz Wan Shan (Central) → Quarry Bay)
- 過海隧巴116線(鰂魚涌→慈雲山(中)) Cross-harbour Bus 116 (Quarry Bay → Tsz Wan Shan (Central))
- 過海隧巴118P線 Cross-harbour Bus 118P (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 旺角(基榮小學) Mong Kok (Kei Wing Primary School))
- 過海隧巴118P線 Cross-harbour Bus 118P (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 長沙灣(深旺道) Cheung Sha Wan (Sham Mong Road))
- 過海隧巴118R線 Cross-harbour Bus 118R (小西灣運動場 Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground → 旺角(弼街) Mong Kok (Bute Street))
- 過海隧巴118線 Cross-harbour Bus 118 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 長沙灣(深旺道) Cheung Sha Wan (Sham Mong Road))
- 過海隧巴118線 Cross-harbour Bus 118 (柴灣(康翠臺) Chai Wan (Greenwood Terrace) → 長沙灣(深旺道) Cheung Sha Wan (Sham Mong Road))
- 過海隧巴373線 Cross-harbour Bus 373 (上水 Sheung Shui → 中環碼頭 Central Piers)
- 過海隧巴673P線 Cross-harbour Bus 673P (上水 Sheung Shui → 中環(林士街) Central (Rumsey Street))
- 過海隧巴673線 Cross-harbour Bus 673 (上水 Sheung Shui → 中環(香港站) Central (Hong Kong Station))
- 過海隧巴679線 Cross-harbour Bus 679 (皇后山邨 Queen's Hill Estate → 香港站 Hong Kong Station)
- 過海隧巴680B線 Cross-harbour Bus 680B (富安花園 Chevalier Garden → 金鐘站 Admiralty Station)
- 過海隧巴690S線 Cross-harbour Bus 690S (坑口(明德邨) Hang Hau (Ming Tak Estate) → 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square))
- 過海隧巴960B線 Cross-harbour Bus 960B (鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay → 洪水橋(洪福邨) Hung Shui Kiu (Hung Fuk Estate))
- 過海隧巴962C線 Cross-harbour Bus 962C (鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay → 龍門居 Lung Mun Oasis)
- 過海隧巴962E線 Cross-harbour Bus 962E (掃管笏 So Kwun Fat → 鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay)
- 過海隧巴962E線 Cross-harbour Bus 962E (鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay → 掃管笏 So Kwun Fat)
- 過海隧巴969C線 Cross-harbour Bus 969C (鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay → 天頌苑 Tin Chung Court)
- 過海隧巴N118線 Cross-harbour Bus N118 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 長沙灣(深旺道) Cheung Sha Wan (Sham Mong Road))
- 過海隧巴N118線 Cross-harbour Bus N118 (長沙灣(深旺道) Cheung Sha Wan (Sham Mong Road) → 小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
Fermate vicine
114.1910804, 22.2856872
114.1936847, 22.2893289
永興街 Wing Hing Street
木星街 Jupiter Street
炮台山 Fortress Hill
木星街 Jupiter Street
炮台山 Fortress Hill
炮台山 Fortress Hill
炮台山 Fortress Hill
114.1936618, 22.288333
炮台山站 Fortress Hill Station
114.1929932, 22.2862064
炮台山站 Fortress Hill Station
清風街天橋 Tsing Fung Street Flyover
歌頓道 Gordon Road
炮台山站 Fortress Hill Station
聖彼得堂 St. Peter's Church
聖彼得堂 St. Peter's Church
電氣道街市 Electric Road Market
永興街 Wing Hing Street
七海商業中心 7 Seas Shopping Centre
七海商業中心 7 Seas Shopping Centre